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Southern Cloud USD 334


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SC Grades 3-8 Attend Health Program

Mrs. Rice

Third through eighth graders attended a health program put on by the Kansas Learning Center for Health hosted at Miltonvale Elementary on January 6th.  The students were entertained for each session with age appropriate information about the dangers of drugs and tobacco products.  This valuable presentation was excellent.  The students were given good information in a fun format. They got to participate and were able to see a demonstration with pig lungs.  This program was made possible through funding by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation.

3rd & 4th graders from Glasco and Miltonvale act out the respiratory system.

L-R: Jaxon Kearn, Lola Wiedner, Reece Fowler, James Robinson, Patrick Allen, and William Faiello.

3rd and 4th graders from Miltonvale and Glasco watch as a set of pig lungs is inflated to demonstrate how our lungs work.