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Southern Cloud USD 334


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Math Relays

By: Ms. Sara Boden

On November 9, the Glasco High School students traveled to Fort Hays State University to compete in their annual Math Relays competition. Math Relays is a significant event where students are entered into four different mathematical categories and compete by grade level individually or as a team of three against students from various school sizes across Kansas. Bethany Demars competed individually as a 12th-grader, and Noah Demars, Cole Liby, and Ayden Williams competed as a 9th-grade team. All students entered the following events: Using Number Sense, Algebraic Manipulations, Informal Geometry, and Applications of Algebra. The 9th-grade team tied for 7th place in the Applications of Algebra and Informal Geometry events. Overall, this was an excellent experience for the students, and I plan to attend again next year.


Pictured: Bethany Demars, Cole Liby, Noah Demars, Ayden Williams